December 10th at Wilson Prep Academy
The 2022 Hoop State Wide Awake Showcase is presented by Rod Bridgers and hits Wilson Prep Academy in Wilson, NC on December 10th, 2022.
**unfortunately, there is not working internet at Wilson Prep and no games will be live streamed. Check for game highlights on our Instagram if you can't make it to the gym for the action. Sorry for the inconvenience and if you made a stream purchase please email and you will get a full refund.
11:00AM JV: Wilson Prep Academy vs Farmville Central High School
12:30PM GIRLS: Wilson Prep Academy vs Farmville Central High School
2:00PM Southern Nash High School vs Riverside-Martin High School
3:30PM Greenfield School vs Raleigh Christian Academy
5:00PM Cannon School vs Woodside High School (VA)
6:30PM Hunt High School vs Southern Durham High School
8:00PM Wilson Prep Academy vs Farmville Central High School